Islam and Prison Radicalization – “In Your Face” Activity

Following many of the attacks in Europe and other western nations, it is often reported that the Muslim attacker(s), be they a born Muslim or convert to Islam, was radicalized in prison. While many ask how this can happen, the truth is that Muslim radicalization starts out as joining a prison gang, and their growth and radicalization is “an in your face” activity. This is unlike society, where radicalization occurs covertly to outsiders.

Having spent 30 years working frontline inside of Federal Prisons, I have witnessed the growth of these gangs, and by that I mean all gangs, their operations, strategy and power play to achieve their aims. Their activity is such an in-your-face action, that an untrained eye would assume that what they are seeing is just regular prison activity. So why is this allowed to happen? Simply put, although incarceration is to be a restriction, the reality is that these restrictions are not as limited as one would think, and in some cases their rights are more protected than honest people on the outside. Many bleeding hearts are more interested in their rights then yours.

The problem starts with society and the naive belief that prison rehabilitates. Society is sold an idea that prisons are a sort of therapeutic clinical environment where everything is strictly controlled and positive results attained and measured. Money comes from saying there is a cure, and society feels better believing it is curing someone. Prison environment is ripe for the radicalization of any group, but for Muslims it really is the tip of the spear to start the process.

The hard facts are that prison is a violent environment, and for many reason, individuals look to groups to secure their safety and in many cases their comfort. As the public may not be aware, Muslims as well as some other groups have special privileges that they are able to fall back on as recruiting tool. One such privilege is the different food they receive, from the rest of the population. To facilitate this they also have their own cooks to handle their cooking. While this might seem small, in prison where you can either eat food prepared for hundreds or thousands or food cooked for a vastly smaller number, guess who has the better food? Prayer time is another opportunity for them to gather in their gang, and this is where the power structure becomes visible. The next issue is security, and this is where the gang loyalty starts to gel them together. Your safety becomes hitched to following the gang and vice versa. It is a typical cult recruiting mentality. Prison provides the best of criminals and easiest mark for them to recruit from. In return you will be called upon to show your loyalty to them, which can include assaults, murders or any other activity they demand. Once converted and radicalized you don’t leave. Another big issue is that sometime the information sought out by prison managers, is from some Muslims who don’t understand the complexity of prison, so they provide bad information which leads to misinterpretation of rights rather than customs or likes. For example, the idea of during Ramadan, that meals have to be held in a community style fashion is often stated, but not required. Security should never be dictated by outsiders, but sadly it happens.  It is a typical tail wagging the dog scenario.

Unfortunately because of a lack of knowledge about Islam and a reliance upon Muslims to tell the organization what they have to do, this empowers the Muslim inmates, and paints the perception that they are powerful and able to get things done. No other group has this leverage over the criminal justice system. This power that they wield behind bars is viewed as an aphrodisiac to converts.

Law enforcement needs to refocus its plans priorities on the reality of what is happening inside prisons. While today issues is radicalization of Islam behind bars, next time it may be other groups.

Kim Jung-Un Last Stand

​While threats and intimidation may have worked in the past for North Korea, that ship has now sailed.  Current threats of; all out nuclear war, the eradication of South Korea, nuclear ICBM attacks on America, missile strikes on Japan, as well as the new threat of weekly missile test, are now being taken more seriously then at any other time in history. North Korea’s proclamation of advancement in nuclear and rocket capability, be they true or not, have reached an apex that the world is no longer willing to chance . American resolve could not be stronger, as Kim Jung-Un  has just made his last stand.

As successive administrations entertained the manipulation by North Korea, granting them both materialistic and financial concessions in exchange for putting aside their nuclear ambition, North Korea graciously accepted but silently continued with its nuclear plans. Mastering the art of manipulation, every year they would raise their head and rattle the world again with nuclear claims and rocket test, again gaining favors for empty promises. All the international community was able to accomplish was the postponement of the inevitable, and today we find ourselves at dateline inevitable.

It is obvious now that North Korea is on a go it alone path. Nations such as Russia and China, major supporters of North Korea have been unsuccessful in de-escalating the nuclear crises.  What once would have been a great military alliance against the west, has now turned into a nightmare for them. A megalomaniac un-nerved by the concept of mutual destructibility, something that kept the cold war parties in check, is lost on him. Negotiation are long pass the point of effectiveness.

What the world is now faced with is a potential nuclear conflict, that is sure to occur if North Korea is not dealt with. With America and her allies as the recipients of threats, the task falls to America to neutralise the problem, as all else has failed.  Realising the gravity of the situation, I am willing to bet that privately Russia and China agree that Kim Jung-Un must go.  Their recent posturing militarily is simply to protect their interest keeping the Korea’s divided after Kim Jung-Un is gone. China’s 200000 plus troops on the boarder is there to quickly move into North Korea if an American attack comes and Kim is removed. This is to  ensure primarily that North Korea remains as is, with a new puppet installed, and secondly to ensure that the North Korean military will be restrained from an all out war, giving both the Americans and Chinese a win win situation.

Kim Jung-Un will not go peacefully so options are necessary.  A limited decapitation of the leadership including it military is the best choice.  This is were China come in capable of restraining and ensuring stability. Secondly a  less favorable position would be strategic military strikes on his nuclear program, but the megalomaniac remains.  

Decision time is around the corner, and the safest bet for a limited armed conflict resides with the decapitation of leadership plan. While pubically the mantra is to give negotiations another chance, realistically 20 plus years of this cat and mouse game has been a failure, time to spring the trap.

Put me in Coach, America Returns to the Game

The last eight years has seen America sitting on the bench while many players in the International Arena have risen to prominence and profited from a “laissez faire” attitude of American foreign policy. Sweeping away American footprints was more important then displaying their presence. But that all changed in November 2016, when Americans clearly said “Put me in Coach,” and a return to the game it is.

The emboldening of rogue nations and their proxies did not occur by accident. These entities saw a nation on bended knee, more interested in apologizing for everything that occurred in the past, and fearing making the same mistakes again. America’s presence in the world was shrinking. Announcements of scaled back action were now everywhere. Everybody with an axe to grind only had to wait till America vacated, and retribution flowed. Iran and its nuclear ambition-in motion, the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood-Arab spring, ISIS-from rag tag to a national threat, North Korea-nuclear ambition, Terrorism-domestically and internationally, Political correctness-failing to label threats for what they actually are, etc. The end result is a world that is less stable and ripe for violence.

2017 is seeing a reset of the failed policies and practices of years gone by. Decisive action on the reversal of American footprints is in full swing. America will no longer sit on the sidelines as atrocoties occur around the world, and useless votes of condemenation are the only response from the international community.  Syria was a wake-up call to all who thought it would be the same old, same old as usual. From this point forward appeasement is over, and America means what it says. Regimes, and their proxies that threaten America or world stability are living on borrowed time. While America prefers partnership in dealing with world events, if all fails, America will go it alone. The terrorists no longer have the comfort of knowing every move and preparing for it. Rogue nations such as North Korea, are living on borrowed time which can now be measured in days rather then years, as had been the practice. America is back in the game and playing for keeps.

While many choose to attack the President, all have to remember he inhearated a world that has never been so divided and complex as it is now.  It is only through strength, decisiveness and  a commitment to act if need be, will the world start to calm down.


Sale, Sale, Sale, Everything Must go!!!!

By now Canadians are starting to get the picture that Justin’s Liberal Government is not working on behalf of Canadians, rather for the globalist.  The days of our National Government investing in our country, maintaining a surplus, tax-breaks for middle income families, and placing Canadians first, is now over.  Everything is up for sale, sky the limit, pleasing the globalist is the priority.  As taxpayers our role is simple, don’t complain, comply and keep paying.

Canada elected a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  Usurping the wishes and powers of parliament by manipulating the democratic process to turn democracy on itself is his action plan.  The dismantling and rolling back of democracy has begun, and the globalist could not be happier with Justin loyalty to them.

Canadians missed the cry of the wolf, when in campaigning for the Prime Minister’s job, Justin talked about incurring a debt, rather than maintain the previous government’s policy of a surplus. Justin told Canadians that his government planned to borrow 10 billion dollars per year, over four years, and that money was going to be used to stimulate the economy and job growth.  After all he said money was cheap to borrow, so why not?  But in secret Justin already had other plans for all this money, and Canada did not figure into it. What Canadians have witnessed, is that billions of dollars that were borrowed, was given away to other nations, agendas, and let’s not forget the master globalists at the United Nations.  Canadians are receiving zero return on investment, instead a debt that will haunt us for many decades. It will not be until 2055 before Canadians see another surplus.

The next step came in the passing of Motion 103. This motion limits free speech, and places Islam as a priority in Canadian law, over all other religions. Although polls showed that 70% of Canadians were opposed to it, the government went ahead and had it passed. The agenda of destroying our democracy is more important, after all it gives government more power and control.

The latest attack on our democracy comes in what they are calling Parliamentary reform.  If you think parliament was dysfunctional before watch out.  There first step in this process is to limit debate in the house and committee.  Limiting debate robs Canadians of a voice and ensures closure to force any agenda through.  Next comes the real slippery and slimy part of politics.  The liberals are now looking to make their work week only four days, with every Friday off.  I am sure hard working Canadians appreciate this disgusting move.   Also to strictly control and protect Justin, they are also proposing that Justin only has to appear once a week in the house of common to answer questions for the 45 minutes during question period.  Now I know many Canadians will be upset with the way the Liberals are governing, but they do not want to hear about it.  To protect their egos and ensure they only hear positive messages, they are looking at creating a new law for Harassment of MP’s only.  I guess the current criminal harassment laws that we have to live with are not strong enough for their liking. So in the future if an elected and accountable MP feels his feelings have been hurt, he can cry Harassment.  How sweet, now just like Islam they will have their own specific law for themselves.

To liberals nothing is sacred or beyond reproach.  Our rights that we once cherished are being eroded all to appease the globalist. Justin’s yard sale continues. 

Re-Engineering of Canadian Values

Today the House of Commons took the first step in re-engineering Canadian values to appease a vocal Islamic minority in Canada.  Motion 103, raised by Liberal MP Iqra Khalid, of Mississauga, Ontario a new Member of Parliament and a recent new citizen of Canada passed 201 to 91.  The green light for Sharia Law, no go zones, special prayer services, censorship of media-removing any disparaging statements about Islam, and the granting of special status and protection to Islam has begun.

Facts and reality will now be replaced with shouts of racism, bigotry, and the threat of prosecution for anyone talking bad about Islam.  Rather than religion being accepted for what it is, an Ideology, a belief, or a philosophy, Islam has now been placed on a pedestal, looking down on all others.  Special status outside of the guarantees of the Constitution of Canada have just been added for Islam.

But this forced upon Canadian law, lacks legitimacy.  As polls show, and we know the governments watch polls, over 70% of Canadians are not in favor of this motion, but it was forced on us anyway. The importance of legitimacy is that laws with legitimacy are followed by the masses.  Murder, assaults, speeding laws, or basic traffic rules, these are followed because the masses believe that the law is for the benefit of all therefore it has legitimacy.  But Motion 103 is not like that, it serves only Islam.

There is a reality to Islam that this motion seeks to quell.  As we all know, Islam is the religion and Muslims are its follower.  Anyone can understand laws preventing people from tarnishing a group such as Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Hindu, etc. with cruel statements.  This affect the individual.  But Islam is not a person.  The reality of Islam and Muslims are clearly separated and evident every day in the media.  Everyone know that the vast majority of Muslims are good people. Just like every other race, Muslims have criminals amongst them. The real problem comes from what Motion 103 is trying to protect and that is Islam and the struggle it has within itself.  For example some Imam extremist preach death to non-believers, Jews, and many others in the mosque. They also treats women as less then human, allows pedophilia (through the marriage of kids to adults), and cite this is the way of Islam.  Unfortunately this portion of Islam is on a daily killing spree, violently murdering, attacking and resorting to a state of nature by vicious animalistic actions. Other portions of Islam do the opposite and oppose the extremist. Remember Islam kills more Muslims then any another group. Islam is at a juncture and a struggle from within, and todays passing of Motion 103 is a slap in the face to Moderate Islamic Muslims who have come here for a better life and to leave behind the oppressive ways.

Canadian need to be mindful of all these politicians who thumbed their noses at us and remember them on Election Day.  These politicians need to be targeted for defeat in any election.  They have made their choice, of siding with extremist ways against the Canadian people.

The following is a list of MP and how they voted on Motion 103. It was taken from the National Post dated March 23, 2017. If your MP name is not there,  they were either not in the house or abstained from the vote.

nay/ Aboultaif nay/ Albas nay/ Albrecht yea/ Aldag yea/ Alleslev nay/ Allison nay/ Ambrose yea/ Amos paired/pairé Anandasangaree nay/ Anderson nay/ Arnold yea/ Arseneault yea/ Arya yea/ Ashton yea/ Ayoub yea/ Bagnell nay/ Barlow nay/ Barsalou-Duval yea/ Baylis nay/ Beaulieu yea/ Beech yea/ Bennett yea/ Benson nay/ Bergen nay/ Bernier nay/ Berthold nay/ Bezan yea/ Bibeau yea/ Bittle yea/ Blaikie yea/ Blair nay/ Blaney (Bellechasse—Les Etchemins—Lévis) yea/ Blaney (North Island—Powell River) nay/ Block yea/ Boissonnault yea/ Bossio nay/ Boucher yea/ Boutin-Sweet nay/ Brassard yea/ Bratina yea/ Breton yea/ Brison yea/ Brosseau yea/ Caesar-Chavannes nay/ Calkins yea/ Cannings yea/ Caron yea/ Carr nay/ Carrie yea/ Casey (Charlottetown) yea/ Casey (Cumberland—Colchester) yea/ Chagger yea/ Champagne yea/ Chan yea/ Chen yea/ Chong yea/ Choquette yea/ Christopherson nay/ Clarke nay/ Clement nay/ Cooper yea/ Cormier yea/ Cullen yea/ Cuzner yea/ Dabrusin yea/ Damoff yea/ Davies yea/ DeCourcey nay/ Deltell yea/ Dhaliwal yea/ Dhillon yea/ Di Iorio nay/ Diotte nay/ Doherty yea/ Donnelly nay/ Dreeshen yea/ Drouin yea/ Dubourg yea/ Duguid yea/ Duncan (Edmonton Strathcona) yea/ Duncan (Etobicoke North) yea/ Dusseault yea/ Duvall yea/ Dzerowicz yea/ Easter nay/ Eglinski yea/ Ehsassi yea/ El-Khoury yea/ Ellis yea/ Erskine-Smith yea/ Eyking yea/ Eyolfson nay/ Falk nay/ Fast yea/ Fergus yea/ Fillmore nay/ Finley yea/ Finnigan yea/ Fisher yea/ Fonseca yea/ Fragiskatos yea/ Fraser (Central Nova) yea/ Fraser (West Nova) yea/ Freeland yea/ Fry yea/ Fuhr nay/ Gallant yea/ Garrison nay/ Généreux yea/ Gerretsen nay/ Gill nay/ Gladu nay/ Godin yea/ Goldsmith-Jones yea/ Goodale yea/ Gould nay/ Gourde yea/ Graham yea/ Grewal nay/ Harder yea/ Hardie yea/ Harvey yea/ Hehr nay/ Hoback yea/ Holland yea/ Housefather yea/ Hughes yea/ Hussen yea/ Hutchings yea/ Iacono nay/ Jeneroux yea/ Johns yea/ Joly yea/ Jones yea/ Jordan yea/ Jowhari yea/ Julian yea/ Kang nay/ Kelly nay/ Kent yea/ Khalid yea/ Khera nay/ Kitchen nay/ Kmiec yea/ Kwan nay/ Lake yea/ Lametti yea/ Lamoureux yea/ Lapointe yea/ Lauzon (Argenteuil—La Petite-Nation) nay/ Lauzon (Stormont—Dundas—South Glengarry) nay/ Lebel yea/ LeBlanc yea/ Lebouthillier yea/ Lefebvre nay/ Leitch yea/ Lemieux yea/ Leslie yea/ Levitt nay/ Liepert yea/ Lightbound nay/ Lobb yea/ Lockhart yea/ Longfield yea/ Ludwig nay/ Lukiwski yea/ MacAulay (Cardigan) yea/ MacGregor nay/ MacKenzie yea/ MacKinnon (Gatineau) nay/ Maguire yea/ Malcolmson yea/ Maloney yea/ Massé (Avignon—La Mitis—Matane—Matapédia) yea/ Masse (Windsor West) yea/ Mathyssen yea/ May (Cambridge) yea/ May (Saanich—Gulf Islands) nay/ McCauley (Edmonton West) yea/ McCrimmon yea/ McDonald yea/ McGuinty yea/ McKay yea/ McKenna yea/ McKinnon (Coquitlam—Port Coquitlam) nay/ McLeod (Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo) yea/ McLeod (Northwest Territories) yea/ Mendès yea/ Mendicino yea/ Miller (Ville-Marie—Le Sud-Ouest—Île-des-Soeurs) yea/ Monsef paired/pairé Moore yea/ Morrissey nay/ Motz yea/ Mulcair yea/ Murray yea/ Nantel yea/ Nassif nay/ Nater yea/ Nault nay/ Nicholson yea/ O’Connell yea/ Oliphant yea/ Oliver yea/ O’Regan nay/ O’Toole yea/ Ouellette yea/ Paradis nay/ Paul-Hus nay/ Pauzé yea/ Peschisolido yea/ Peterson yea/ Petitpas Taylor yea/ Philpott yea/ Picard nay/ Poilievre yea/ Poissant yea/ Quach yea/ Qualtrough yea/ Rankin yea/ Ratansi nay/ Reid nay/ Rempel nay/ Richards yea/ Rioux nay/ Ritz yea/ Robillard yea/ Rodriguez yea/ Romanado yea/ Rota yea/ Rudd yea/ Ruimy yea/ Rusnak yea/ Sahota yea/ Saini yea/ Sajjan yea/ Sangha yea/ Sansoucy yea/ Sarai nay/ Saroya yea/ Scarpaleggia nay/ Scheer yea/ Schiefke nay/ Schmale yea/ Schulte yea/ Serré yea/ Sgro yea/ Sheehan nay/ Shields nay/ Shipley yea/ Sidhu (Brampton South) yea/ Sidhu (Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon) yea/ Simms nay/ Sopuck yea/ Sorbara nay/ Sorenson yea/ Spengemann yea/ Stanton nay/ Ste-Marie yea/ Stetski yea/ Stewart nay/ Strahl nay/ Stubbs nay/ Sweet yea/ Tabbara yea/ Tan yea/ Tassi nay/ Tilson yea/ Tootoo nay/ Trost yea/ Trudel nay/ Van Kesteren nay/ Van Loan yea/ Vandal yea/ Vandenbeld yea/ Vaughan nay/ Vecchio nay/ Viersen yea/ Virani nay/ Wagantall nay/ Warawa nay/ Warkentin nay/ Waugh nay/ Webber yea/ Weir yea/ Whalen yea/ Wilkinson yea/ Wilson-Raybould nay/ Wong yea/ Wrzesnewskyj yea/ Young nay/ Yurdiga yea/ Zahid nay/ Zimmer

Alley Cat Journalism

If you have ever watched an alley cat in action, you definitely can understand the connection between many of today’s MSM/Journalist and the alley cat. While the Alley cat scours the dark alley and gutter for food to survive, journalist scour the same areas for a race to the bottom, to see who can obtain the filthiest morsel of information, void of facts or consequences to report. Gutter journalism is the new norm. No longer viewed as reliable, citizens are turning to the high Tec world for alternate news sources and facts.

For the most part, President Trump is correct when he calls many of them “Fake News.”  But hold on America, you are not alone in this race to the bottom, as we in Canada are also seeing this play out every day in our state sponsored, and arguably state run media. News is no longer reported on the bases of the reality of what has happened or is occurring, rather it is narrated with seconds of sound bites, impressing upon the masses the agenda of the reporter and his network. For example in Canada at a town hall meeting with our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, he was asked about the environment and the oilfields of Alberta. His response was that his government would not immediately close them down, but would be phasing them out over time.  Shock waves must have reverberated through the markets, as the leader of a country, with the 3rd largest oil reserves in the world, had just served notice we are closing up shop.  Common sense dictates that a statement this important would be headline news around the world, but that was not the case. Canadian media briefly covered this, void on mentioning the impact that such a statement will have on investment, or how it will affect the nation. The media instead looked to place a positive spin on the town hall, and like the Prime Minister has said, Sunny ways. But I guess when the government controls your purse strings, and doles out billions of dollars a year to your network(s), you have to play nice in the sand box.  Facts after all are subjective to the media and can ruin a nice story line. In the US Presidential election campaign, the media was front and center in obscuring a pesky little thing called facts.  In case after case, the size of crowds attending Candidate Trumps rallies was barely covered and downplayed.  The media hardly showed the mass crowds gathered outside of the event, or the individuals packed to the rafters inside where the events was being held. Instead they choose to cover the minority of protesters at the event, the way they were treated, and covered it as if it was a larger than life protest. The agenda was obvious, to serve the narrative that a vote from Trump was going to be a wasted vote, so come on and get on side with Hillary, everyone likes a winner.

MSM/Journalism has lost legitimacy. Without legitimacy they can no longer weather tough times. In response they have flipped to spinning stories with a grandiose plot more fitting of a fiction book then news. The raison d’etre, of journalism, as well as integrity of reporters of years gone by, such as Walter Cronkite, are now beholden to political agendas, corporations, special interest groups, and a quick buck.

Facts and balance reporting from most MSM is dead.  Luckily citizens of the world have the ability to fact check stories and that is devastating to many.  The once taken for granted attitude of “we are trusted,” is long gone. The public now discerns between balanced and bias reporting.  Time to come out from the alley and gutter and leave it to the creature of survival, the cat, because MSM is dying a slow death in the gutter.

Are You Hurting Yet Canada?

Canadians are finally starting to feel the pain of a Justin Trudeau government. With the honeymoon over, countless photo ops behind him, and let’s not forget the please love me again cross Canada tour, the reality is setting in.

Sunny ways have been replaced with severe weather warnings.  A ten billion dollar debt has almost trippled, infrastructure spending announced has been drastically stripped back and Justin’s  promise to the middle class has been forgotten. Take shelter Canada.

So here is what Justin has given us. He borrows billions of dollars, after all he said money was cheap to borrow, so why not. He then turns around and gives billions away to infrastructure programs, job creations, housing development and relief for poor families. Looks good and sounds great, but the only problem is that none of this was in Canada. Weather can affect vision and when jetsetting as much as he has, he probably forgot what country he was in when he dolled out the money.

But Justin has not completely forgotten  about Canadians.  He has left us some real treasures.  One of his golden gifts that keep on giving is carbon tax.  Taxpayers keep giving and he keeps taking.  Guess it’s expensive to hire angels to scrub the clouds. Jobs was another gift from him.  We can definitely report on at least two nannies being hired to look after his kids. Hopefully that offsets all the other job losses in Canada. But things must be looking up on the job front, as his finance minister said that Canadians will have to get use to working several jobs part time, what a gift, we all get 2 jobs. To help keep the population on a steady growth pattern, his government has decided that convicted terrorist with dual citizenship will no longer be deported, anybody have a room to rent? For our 150th celebration as a nation, he has pulled out all stops. Every illegal in the United States has been invited to come live in Canada. Got a small deportation issue in the US, nasty criminal record, or just hang around with the wrong people like gangs, don’t  worry we won’t ask and you won’t have to tell. Just show up at any border crossing and we will have bellhops dressed as police to welcome you and carry your luggage.  Concerned about survival in Canada, try out one of our many sanctuary cities, where you will enjoy free dental, medical, clothing, food, housing or anything else you need.  The secret is in the patented screwing taxpayers get, he dictates and we pay.

To ensure that the liberal’s policies remain in place and that they remain in power, the Liberals have been taking in droves of illegal immigrants and also thousands of poorly vetted Muslim refugees. Concerned about the price tag of this operation, don’t worry.  The government is making it palatable by bring in a law that if anyone speaks negative about Islam, truth or otherwise, you will be charged under Motion 103 with Islamophobia. Another great gift, what’s hundreds of thousands of dollars per family

By the time the Liberals are done with Canada we will resemble a third world country.  Our debt will have grown from a surplus of seven billion to a debt of hundreds of billions of dollars. Our infrastructure will be destroyed and anything remaining will be sold off.  Thanks Justin, if I am not hurting enough now, I am sure your March budget will fix that.

P.S. keep on flying around the world at our expense, I guess its one way to stay away from the house of commons.

Sanctuary Cities

It used to be that breaking the law had consequences, not rewards.  But in the minds of today’s liberals, why hold people accountable for past indiscretions. Let’s take them in, overlook their past and offer them new opportunities that we don’t even offer to our seniors, vets or homeless people.  After all it looks good.

As President Trump, has begun the process of making America Safer, by deporting illegal immigrants with criminal past, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, an opportunist, has taken advantage of this situation to increase his voting base, by waving them over to Canada. We don’t ask, you don’t tell and everything is beautiful, like he said Sunny Ways.

Not to be outdone by Justin antics, cities across Canada are jumping on this issue and creating sanctuary cities. What a benefit for taxpayers.  To help support the narrative that open borders is the way to go, governments at all levels are falling back on their old friend the corrupt media to sell this agenda.  Countless pictures of children and babies fleeing war torn USA through snowbanks are constantly displayed.  The poor illegals are entering Canada in their best dress outfits, met by Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) as they navigate the war torn snowbanks of the USA.  Wanting them to get off to a great start, they are taken to already warm vehicles with no questions asked or attempt to deny them entry.



So dangerous a trek through war torn USA, that the only ones willing to brave this trip are Taxi drivers who drop them off at a nice clearing where RCMP are waiting to provide them with bellhop services.

While the liberal left basks in the accolades of the illegals and their leftist groups that support this mess, it is the Canadian taxpayers who are on the hook.  You will not hear social agencies, municipalities, immigration lawyers or immigrant groups cry about the influx, rather they use this situation to request more money from the governments, who in turn pass this along to taxpayers, another bonus at the public trough.  Let’s also not forget that once the illegals set foot on our soil, sky’s the limit. Free healthcare, dental, housing, transportation, and clothing, all curtesy of taxpayers.  Say something negative about illegal immigrants and you are a racist.

The reality is loss in the nice glossy photos the media spins. While the government and media remain silent on the fact that those being deported are illegals with criminal past, gang affiliations or serial violators of deportation orders, social media is getting the word out. Make no mistake about it, nobody wants this caliber of a neighbors, but again the liberal governments ignores what Canadians want. Contempt for law and order is a way of life for them.  The continuation of their illegal actions means that they will be spending the rest of their life looking over their shoulders.

Sanctuary cities perpetuate the problem and address nothing. Citizens need to rally together to oppose illegal immigration from any country.  If you cannot start out in our country following the laws, then stay out.  Think this position is harsh, take a look south of the border at the numerous victims of illegal immigrants.  Canada and its citizens deserve only legally qualified immigrants, we are not a doormat, regardless what our leftist government and municipal leaders think.  We the voters demand that our laws be respected not trampled on.

Nation in Crises, The Canadian Constitution under Attack.

Freedom of Speech, the enjoyment of all in the Western World is about to be removed from the Canadian LexiconThe Liberal Party of Canada under Justin Trudeau has introduced a motion in the House of Commons, to limit this Constitutional right of every Canadian. Through the efforts of one of Justin’s Liberal Member of Parliament, Iqra Khalid Of  Mississauga-Erin Mills, a Pakistani immigrant who came to Canada in the late 1990’s, she  is spearheading this motion through the House of Commons.  But whom will this motion seek to guarantee additional right to?  One thing for sure is that it is not for all Canadians, rather a quick read quickly singles out Muslims for special protection.  Must be part of the new mosaic Justin is working on, Great job Justin – Not.

Parliamentary Motion-103 states  That, in the opinion of the House, the government should: (a) recognize the need to quell the increasing public climate of hate an… That, in the opinion of the House, the government should: (a) recognize the need to quell the increasing public climate of hate and fear; (b) condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination and take note of House of Commons’ petition e-411 and the issues raised by it; and (c) request that the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage undertake a study on how the government could (i) develop a whole-of-government approach to reducing or eliminating systemic racism and religious discrimination including Islamophobia, in Canada, while ensuring a community-centered focus with a holistic response through evidence-based policy-making, (ii) collect data to contextualize hate crime reports and to conduct needs assessments for impacted communities, and that the Committee should present its findings and recommendations to the House no later than 240 calendar days from the adoption of this motion, provided that in its report, the Committee should make recommendations that the government may use to better reflect the enshrined rights and freedoms in the Constitution Acts, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.” (Parliament of Canada,

Clearly, anyone who disagrees with our governments immigration policy, or has fears of being a victim of horrendous crimes such as rape or the beating that are occurring in Europe, Scandinavia, and Africa and are against the brutal attacks and murders of Christian and other Muslims, are clearly guilty of Islamophobia. The liberal blinders only allows them to see inside of Canada and makes them ignorant to the reality of what is actually occurring in the real world. I guess Christians have to accept the new norm! But to sweeten the pot for the extremist, the Canadian Parliament is about to make it certain that nobody talks about the reality of the Muslim extremist, upon pain of prosecution.

To add meat to the bone, the left has coined any dissenters as being an Islamophobia, and this is the new rallying cry for the Muslim extremist.  It is just to bad that Justin and his cadre have bought into this agenda and are handing Canadians rights over to the extremist. Failing to look at the relationship of moderate Muslims that currently exist in Canada is a downfall of the Liberals. Canada is home to every type of religion known to man, and our Constitution protects all equally.  Apparently that is not good enough for Liberals, as they are supporters of the globalist and extremist. The reality, which obviously offends Muslim extremist, as moderates have never been offended by and have chosen to come here and co-exist, is that we are a Christian nation, albeit we do not hold any higher moral, legal or ethical position in the eyes of the law then any other religion, they seek to be above all and the only religion.

So where does this leave us when we have a government that is not responsive to the people, and give preference to one religion over another. Canadians need to be informed of the reality of the world we live in.  Never take your rights for granted, because as we can see the Liberals are never above selling out to the globalist and extremist for votes and favors.  Also lets not forget about the numerous Muslim Extremist that have attempted to and have been successful of attacks in Canada, we are not immune from their violence, and improper vetting and open boarders will definitely increase attacks upon Canadians.







Compare and Contrast, President Trump and Prime Minister Trudeau

At a recent town hall meeting in Halifax, Prime Minister Trudeau alluded to the fact that he and President Elect Trump are similar in what they are doing.  The reality could not be further from the truth. While President Elect Trump is in a tax cutting, job growing, and slashing needless spending mode, Prime Minister Trudeau is moving in exactly the opposite direction.

From the outset of his election, Pres. Trump has singlehandedly acquired more commitment from businesses to return to the United States, the creation of more jobs and investment in the American economy than anyone thought possible.   Prime Minister Trudeau, in a town hall meeting in Peterborough, Ontario served notice on investors and current businesses that he plans on phasing out the country’s most profitable natural resource sectors, oil.  Further his government’s implementation of a carbon tax, is going to drive business out of the country and also ensuring that no new business will ever come in, as they won’t be able to afford to operate.

As Pres. Trump calls for a tax cut for all, PM Trudeau is increasing tax on everyone.  Besides being hit with the carbon tax, and it is nothing more than a tax, Canadians are also taxed on this tax. Unbelievable a tax on tax.  Further PM Trudeau’s government is now looking to tax some of our small enjoyments, Netflix.  His government has also confirmed that they are now looking at imposing a tax upon medical and dental. Who knows what other tax will be in the February budget?

Pres. Trump has clearly signaling that feeding at the trough is over for many big business and foreign entities. PM Trudeau has taken the opposite approach and has been busy handing over so much money to other nations and international organizations that he must have carpel tunnel syndrome from signing cheques. If this was not bad enough, PM Trudeau has done the unthinkable.   He has taken a surplus budget that was left by the previous Conservative government, and has turned it into a 30 billion dollars deficit, which is expected to grow drastically during his remaining 3 year term. A large portion of this borrowed money has been doled out to many   international countries, the United Nations and other international organizations.  Some recipients have been Vietnamese farmers, house building in India etc.  How any of this is remotely connected to a return on investment for Canada is anyone’s guess.

A hugh concern for citizens of both nations is immigration.  While Pres Trump plans on curtailing Americas open border with Mexico, by building a wall, he also has stated that his government will be implementing stringent vetting of immigrants, for security reasons. PM Trudeau has no such plans.  His government plans on increasing immigration from Muslim nations.  For some reason our government is focusing on bring in more Muslims, and not necessarily from Syria as we were told, but from other areas.  Canada has no viable policy on vetting and is not planning on implementing any. 

Canada has now been cast into a future of uncertain. PM Trudeau agenda is not Canada’s agenda.  He is too committed to the agenda of the globalist and elites and Canadians are going to pay for this election mistake.